Humans aren't great at forecasting how much joy we'll get from things that we buy. But the data is pretty revealing: We gain more pleasure from spending money on experiences (like travel, or time with our family and friends) than we do on things (like a sweet new ride or a fancy new house). Our resources are limited. Why not focus on using money to bring the maximum amount of satisfaction for us and others?
At this point, the information isn't new, but it's no less meaningful: Generous people really are happier and healthier than others. Why not plan to be generous? What if you involved your entire family in the process, and together participated in developing long-term relationships with organizations that matter to you?
The comparison trap is very real, and can be very detrimental. Our tendency is to compare ourselves with our peers, no matter what circles we run in. It's a competition that doesn't bring anyone any real satisfaction, but it's hard to avoid. Instead, focus on how to best use your resources to maximize the impact you can have on your family and the world.
Depending on who you ask, once you make $50-75,000 in income, you're probably as satisfied with your life as you'll be. More money doesn't necessarily bring more happiness (perhaps except for those that plan to use the additional resources to be more generous or participate in more experiences).